The mission of Academic Research Network for Integrated Heritage Documentation in the Balkans (MODULATION) is to support protection, conservation, management and promotion of cultural and historical heritage of the Balkan Peninsula as a pre-condition for sustainable development of the region. Within the MODULATION, the term cultural heritage refers to both tangible and intangible elements of exceptional historical, architectural, archaeological, ethnological, artistic, scientific, technological and/or cultural interest and significance. Tangible elements are both immovable and movable (i.e. buildings, wall paintings and archaeological sites as well as objects, works of art, icons, pots, etc.), while intangible elements include language, songs, dances, traditions, and the like.

The objectives of the Academic Research Network for Integrated Heritage Documentation in the Balkans (MODULATION) are to:

  • enhance utilization of cultural heritage and improve its management, both of which are considered prerequisites for sustainable development in the Balkan Peninsula

  • provide global access, both direct and virtual, to the Balkan heritage, especially for international scholars, students, donors and the tourists

  • raise the level of Balkan cooperation and exchange of ideas, know-how, expertise and resources concerning the Balkan heritage

  • foster unification of the heritage nomenclatures (terms, periods, names, etc.), and online publications of capital fundamental writings and summaries concerning the Balkan cultural heritage

  • create a Digital Repository: a well-structured and properly designed (metadata, semantics, ontologies) repository of generated knowledge

  • initiate and facilitate participatory processes: planning a ‘spatial forum’, mobilizing and informing targeted audiences, creating educational tools

  • organize artistic and pedagogical workshops.